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Customers are curious to know about the ways and means of getting the best uptime from their vacuum pumps. And it’s natural. After all, pump uptime plays a big role in production and thereby impacts the bottom line.  

What is pump uptime?

It is a metric used to measure the % of time that a pump can be used. In simple words, it’s the amount of time for which the pump runs and is available for production of the desired vacuum. Uptime is a key metric. An indication of a pump’s health and production efficiency, pump uptime helps customers efficiently plan their production and maintenance schedule.

An up and running vacuum pump generates value so long as it’s operational. Which is why every manufacturing plant must focus on ensuring the maximum uptime for each and every vacuum pump.

How to maximize vacuum uptime?

Maintenance plays a very important role in determining a pump’s uptime, and it should be a top priority for the facility managers. Keeping track of the pump’s maintenance, however, is a cumbersome task as there are many factors to be considered. These include the number of pumps in the factory, location, type of application where the pumps are used, severity of the application. Further, it’s a known fact that pumps running in a harsh environment need more attention.

Even as we speak, digital technology is transforming our lives at an amazing pace. This advanced technology is connecting the world like never before. Connecting machines, digital technology is enabling real-time monitoring. As a result, remote connectivity is making a world of difference in vacuum pump management. In fact, industry 4.0 banks on remote connectivity to sync machines, robots, and internal management systems. Adopting automation, industry 4.0 is leveraging cloud-based solutions to improve production output. The latest industrial revolution is further powered by AI, data, and machine learning. Today, remote monitoring is gaining attention because it is simple, real-time, and costs much less than the heavy house-based management systems.

Customers in need of improving uptime and reliability of their vacuum pumps will largely benefit from remote connectivity. Principal reason being, it brings accessibility and transparency with on-time insights on any operational aspect of the pumps.