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Search Edwards Vacuum
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    • Semiconductor
    • Maximise productivity and tune your Fab efficiency
    Silicon Wafer in Yellow light at Advanced Semiconductor Foundry, that produces Computer Chips.

    Maximising output and tuning Fab efficiency demands an experienced view towards equipment selection, innovative design and a savvy service approach.

    Having a seamless system between the clean room and the SubFab, packed with equipment that feeds back vital information about service requirements, means you are not only geared to run longer, but are also set up to manage -out stoppages, improve wafer yield and maximise semiconductor output.

    Further than smooth, day-to-day operations, you need a partner that is able to work with you to manage changes in equipment and process recipes and their impact. As your Fab elevates its performance or upgrades its technologies, be confident that Edwards is beside you, on that path. 

    Service Solutions to boost productivity

    Onsite Service

    Our onsite engineers can support you with all activities needed on the machines in your vacuum and abatement system to make your operation seamless, and avoid tool downtime and wafer loss, enabling your Fab to reach the highest level of productivity. This includes regular maintenance, troubleshooting, to more complex or emergency repairs. 


    Edwards has developed a range of upgrades to improve your machine performance and, increase the equipment lifetime, and boost the productivity of your operation. 

    Smart manufacturing solutions

    Edwards has developed analytical algorithms according to customers’ specific requirements, which are used with our advanced domain expertise to give guidance, enabling the Clean Room and SubFab teams to align maintenance activity to keep Fab productivity optimised.

    Service Plans

    Our service plan packages are designed to accommodate the different needs of our customers, from a basic plan to a total risk management solution, to reduce the risk related to unexpected events that can impact your productivity.

    Total Risk Management solutions

    Our Risk Management solution packages are designed to reduce the risk and uncertainty associated with unplanned vacuum and abatement downtimes. This advanced service solution is tailored to your needs through the application of Smart Manufacturing Technology and Predictive Maintenance. 


    Use this online calculator to reveal your value estimation

    Input the number of vacuum and equipment unplanned events (crashes) per year into this online value calculator to see how much additional value you can reclaim from improved chamber availability, reduced scrap value, and maintenance costs. 

    • Get an immediate estimate by inputting the typical down events causing wafer scraps

    • Reveal the additional throughput potential

    • Download and share this value estimation with your team

    person interacting with a touch screen

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