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The ability to keep your operations running smoothly on a defined budget is key. That’s why we created our ServicePlansTM  which are tailored to your precise operation and help to:
·       optimise service events around your needs,

·       reduce total cost of ownership, and

·       increase productivity.

What are the benefits of a service plan?

Why do we recommend ServicePlans to our customers? Regular scheduled maintenance can identify potential problems before they occur, and plans can be structured around different levels of care. ServicePlansTM help mitigate risk, while enabling cost management, helping you avoid the risk and expense associated with unplanned downtime. And that’s just the beginning!

Genuine spare parts & oil

High quality materials: when servicing your vacuum pump we use genuine spare parts, kits and oils to ensure your vacuum pump runs smoothly. 

Service Plans

Top performance: vacuum pumps need regular service to maintain a high-level of performance. This can be scheduled with ServicePlans.

longer pump lifetime

Longer pump lifetime: small actions today contribute to a longer overall pump lifetime. Regular maintenance keeps larger, more damaging, breakdowns away.

Protect Investment

Protect your investment: our ServicePlansTM protect your vacuum pump from unpredictable events, as well as covers the maintenance and repairs for your pump.


Reliability and productivity: we service your pump according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, using genuine parts and oils to guarantee high performance levels, and consistent performance.

Increased Uptime

Uptime increased: regular maintenance keeps you vacuum pumps in good working condition; maintaining good uptime for your production.

Full Coverage

Full coverage: with a ServicePlan, all maintenance costs are covered. You don’t have to worry about unforeseen service costs and unplanned maintenance.

streamlined cost

Streamline administration costs: secure today’s prices for tomorrow’s needs. ServicePlans work on a fixed price approach, meaning that you can secure vacuum pump service for one set price, covering as many years as you would like.

Low cost of ownership

Low total cost of ownership: taking care of your pump with regular maintenance significantly reduces the chances of larger, more expensive issues in the future.

Scheduled maintenance with ServicePlanTM 

We offer many different types of service plans that are customizable to your unique production needs, so you can find the one that best fits your process.

Extended Warranty Care ServicePlanTM : protect your vacuum pump investment from day one.

Our Extended Warranty Care ServicePlanTM is made to your unique production and pump requirements. It provides full-coverage maintenance for your pump, optimizing your production in the long term and provides an overall low total cost of ownership. You focus on your production, and we take care of your vacuum pumps.


-              Parts, kits, and oil scheduling and delivery

-              Labour and travel

-              Routine parts, kits and oil

-              Parts for breakdown repairs

-              Repair execution

Comprehensive Care ServicePlanTM: the complete package.

With our Comprehensive Care ServicePlanTM, you never need to worry about your vacuum pump service again. Our service technicians are ready to service your vacuum pump whenever needed, preventing major failures down the line. Plus, with a one-time fee, you save time on generation purchase orders and administrative tasks. Most importantly, this ServicePlanTM helps protect your production, by delivering high levels of uptime for your vacuum pumps.


-              Parts, kits, and oil scheduling and delivery

-              Labour and travel

-              Routine parts, kits and oil

-              Parts for breakdown repairs

-              Repair execution

Preventative Care ServicePlanTM: planning preventative vacuum pump maintenance.

If you value having a consistently running production, our Preventative Care ServicePlan may be the right fit for you. The Preventative Care ServicePlan TM focuses on providing you with the proactive service needed to keep your vacuum pumps running without issue. This means that you can avoid larger maintenance, and performance issues down the road, and avoid longer periods of production shutdown.


-              Parts, kits and oil scheduling and delivery

-              Labour and travel

-              Routine parts, kits and oil

Parts Care ServicePlanTM: planned genuine spare parts and oil delivery.

Save time with our Parts Care ServicePlan TM. With this ServicePlan, together we create a a pre-planned delivery schedule for our genuine spare parts and oil. That means everything you need to service your vacuum pump will be delivered right to your doorstep.


-              Parts, kits and oil scheduling and delivery

-              Routine parts, kits and oil.

Health Check Care ServicePlanTM: regular Health Checks for your pump.

With Health Check Care, our service engineers regularly come and check on the performance of your pump, as well as look out for any other possible signs of future malfunction. Plus, they will provide insight on how to increase pump performance during their visits.


-         Health checks completed by a VTS Field Service Engineer

Health Check Care ProTM:- We also have the option of doing next level of health check up with our Health check Pro. 

ServicePlanTM Matrix

Plans Inclusions Exclusions

Extended Warranty care

5 years  
  Routine Parts, Oil & Kits  
  Routine Parts, Oil & Kits (scheduling and delivery)  

Labour & travel


  Parts for breakdown repairs  

Repairs execution


Comprehensive Care

Routine Parts, Oil & Kits  
  Routine Parts, Oil & Kits (scheduling and delivery)  
  Labour & travel  
  Parts for breakdown repairs  
  Repairs execution  

Preventive Care

Routine Parts, Oil & Kits Parts for breakdown repairs
  Routine Parts, Oil & Kits (scheduling and delivery) Repairs execution
  Labour & travel  

Parts Care

Routine Parts, Oil & Kits (scheduling and delivery) Parts for breakdown repairs
  Routine Parts, Oil & Kits Repairs execution
    Labour & travel

Health Check Care/Pro​

Health checks are done by a VTS field service engineer ​once every year  

                       Find the ServicePlanTM that’s right for you.

     and we will be happy to go over the best ServicePlan TM options for your specific                  production/application needs.


Get in contact with us

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