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    • Now you see it. Look inside the iXM with Augmented Reality

    Now you see it. Look inside the iXM with Augmented Reality

    By building an augmented reality virtual model, we are able to demonstrate the unique design and engineering qualities of the Edwards iXM and iXH pumps.

    These pumps deliver against the harshest of corrosive environments simultaneously managing challenges of both corrosive and condensable, process chamber gas byproducts. They deliver improved particulate management and minimal byproduct accumulation from condensation and plating. This is made possible because we optimise the pump with a widely settable temperature range relative to each process.

    The big story here is Edwards XCEDE treatment.

    Working with leading material experts, we developed a whole new treatment technology, Edwards XCEDE.

    XCEDE protects critical pump components such as rotors and stators (coloured gold) and outperforms all competing methods, across all criteria.

    To tackle critical semiconductor processes that produce highly corrosive byproducts, our pump series treated with XCEDE, delivers greater reliability, longevity and lower cost of ownership.

    To find out more ask for a consultation.


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