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  •  お客様のポンプニーズに合った使いやすい容器サイズでの迅速な出荷
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エドワーズ真空ポンプオイル - 豊富なポートフォリオ


エドワーズEXTENDSは、最新世代のジエステルオイルです。Ultragrade EXTENDは、優れた酸化防止性と熱安定性を備えているため、長期にわたる潤滑を実現します。真空下や分圧下のロータリーベーンポンプとドライポンプギヤに適しています。


合成オイルは、真空ポンプに組み込まれている摩耗部品の寿命を延ばし、総駆動効率を保証するように開発されています。Ultragrade Kineticは、さまざまな産業用ブースタ、ブロワ、ドライポンプで使用されています。


Ultragrade® Performanceは、オイルを劣化させることなく真空性能を向上させるとともに、高い動作温度に耐えられるように設計されています。用途は次のとおりです。

  • コールドスタート機能や低起動トルクが必要な小型ロータリーベーンポンプ
  • 高い到達真空圧と良好な潤滑が必要な小型と中型の2段ロータリーベーンポンプ
  • 真空下や分圧下のギヤボックスと駆動トレイン。真空シールをつくるために重質油を必要とする大型1段ロータリーベーンポンプ
  • 高負荷や高速デューティサイクルなどで使用する大容量の2段ロータリーベーンポンプ。


Ultragrade® Performance Pureシリーズは、食品加工用途で使用されるH2専用真空潤滑油です。この食品グレードの鉱物油は、一般に、あらゆるサイズと容量のロータリーベーンポンプで使用されます。





化学製品、酸化、放射線、熱ストレスに強いさまざまなシリコンオイルを提供しています。 これらのオイルは、拡散ポンプ、真空コーティングなど、極めてクリーンで超高真空が必要なプロセスに適しています。










What are the different types of vacuum pump oil?

There are several different types of vacuum pump oil available, including mineral oil, synthetic oil, and specialty blends. The specific type of oil needed depends on the type of pump and the application. Use the Edwards oil finder to find the right oil for your equipment.

How do I choose the right vacuum pump oil?

When selecting vacuum pump oil, consider factors such as viscosity, compatibility with the pump material, and the specific requirements of the application. Use the Edwards oil finder to find the right oil for your equipment or contact your service representative.

How often should I change my vacuum pump oil?

The frequency of oil changes depends on the specific pump and application. In general, vacuum pump oil should be changed every three to six months, or more frequently for high-use applications or when the oil appears dirty or contaminated. Always consult the service manual of your pump.

How do I change my vacuum pump oil?

To change vacuum pump oil, first drain the old oil and dispose of it properly. Every pump comes with a service manual that explains exactly how you can change and dispose of the oil.
Refill the pump with the recommended amount and type of oil, and run the pump for several minutes to distribute the oil throughout the system.

What are some common problems with vacuum pump oil?

A: Common problems with vacuum pump oil include contamination, oxidation, and thermal breakdown. These issues can cause decreased pump performance, increased maintenance requirements, and premature pump failure. You can avoid these issues by selecting the right type of oil for your pump and conducting regular maintenance.

How do I dispose of used vacuum pump oil?

A: Used vacuum pump oil must be disposed of properly, in accordance with local regulations. Contact a waste management company or environmental agency for guidance on proper disposal methods.

Can vacuum pump oil be recycled?

Yes, vacuum pump oil can be recycled, but it requires specialised equipment and processes to remove contaminants and restore the oil's performance properties.

Used vacuum pump oil can become contaminated with debris, moisture, and chemical impurities that can degrade its performance and increase the risk of equipment failure. Recycling vacuum pump oil involves removing these contaminants through a combination of filtration, distillation, and chemical treatment processes.

Vacuum pump oil recycling is typically done by specialised oil recycling companies, who use equipment and processes to separate the oil from contaminants and restore its properties. This process can help extend the life of the oil and reduce waste and environmental impact by reducing the need for disposal of used oil.

Not all vacuum pump oils can be recycled, and the suitability for recycling will depend on the specific formulation and condition of the used oil. Therefore, it is important to consult with a qualified oil recycling company to determine the best course of action for disposing of used vacuum pump oil.

What’s the difference between compressor oil, hydraulic oil and vacuum pump oil?

Compressor oil, hydraulic oil and vacuum pump oil are three different types of lubricants used in different types of machinery.

Compressor oil is designed to resist oxidation, maintain viscosity under high temperatures, and provide excellent lubrication under high pressure. It typically contains additives to prevent rust and corrosion in the compressor system.

Hydraulic oil is designed to provide lubrication, resist oxidation, and maintain stable viscosity across a range of temperatures. It also contains additives to prevent rust, corrosion, and foaming.

Vacuum pump oil, on the other hand is designed to withstand the harsh operating conditions of a vacuum pump, including high temperatures and pressures, and resist degradation from chemical exposure. It is typically formulated with low vapour pressure to minimise contamination of the vacuum system and maintain a high level of vacuum performance.

While compressor oil, hydraulic and vacuum pump oil are all designed to provide lubrication to machinery, they are formulated to meet different requirements and should not be used interchangeably. Using the wrong type of oil in your vacuum pump can lead to decreased performance, increased maintenance requirements, and premature equipment failure.

Can I use mineral oil in a vacuum pump?

This depends on the specific vacuum pump and its requirements. Mineral oil is a type of vacuum pump oil that is commonly used in many types of vacuum pumps, particularly those with lower performance requirements or for pumps that are operated intermittently.

However, some vacuum pumps require specialised oil formulations, such as synthetic or specialty blends, to meet specific operating conditions and performance requirements. Using the wrong type of oil in a vacuum pump can lead to decreased performance, increased maintenance requirements, and premature equipment failure. Always consult the instruction manual of your vacuum pump, or use our oil finder to find the right type of oil for your equipment.
