Business code of practice
Edwards is part of the Atlas Copco Group. All employees are trained in business practice. Please see our code of practice.
- Business Code of Practice 290.4 kB, PDF
RBA - Our Membership & Commitment
Edwards is a Member of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) and we fully support the vision and goals of the RBA.
Through the application of high standards we can create better social, economic and environmental outcomes for all those involved in the Electronics and ICT supply chains. This includes increased efficiency and productivity for customers and suppliers, improved conditions for workers, economic development and a cleaner environment for local communities.
To deliver these benefits through a shared approach to implementing the RBA Code of Conduct. This approach will reduce duplication, focus efforts on positive social and environmental change, build supply chain capabilities in social responsibility and employ a process that solicits feedback from stakeholders. We commit to conform to the RBA code of conduct in our operations, progressively implementing the RBA approach and tools in the spirit of the industry’s common goals. We also commit to progressively apply the RBA code of conduct to our first tier suppliers, to monitor our application to the best of our ability using RBA practices and tools, and to encourage and support our suppliers to do the same.