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    • NEG Solutions For Ultra High Vacuum Applications
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    Here at Edwards, we are committed to delivering innovative vacuum solutions that meet the diverse needs of our customers and their processes. To meet those needs, we offer a comprehensive range of Gamma Vacuum NEG pumps, HyTan NEG-Ion Pumps, and controllers that are designed to deliver unparalleled performance, reliability, and flexibility.  


    Gamma Vacuum Logo

    Non-Evaporable Getter (NEG) Pumps

    Our NEG pumps feature a cutting-edge design, employing a non-evaporable, compact getter material with a porous structure. This design allows for the efficient adsorption of reactive gas molecules, such as nitrogen and oxygen, while enabling rapid diffusion of hydrogen. Specifically crafted for UHV applications, NEG pumps offer unparalleled H2 pumping speeds due to their compact size and significant material capacity, ranging from 50 to 3,500 l/s of hydrogen. DOWNLOAD THE BROCHURE



    • Extended Operation: Capable of running for prolonged periods without power, NEG pumps are perfect for "pump down, stay down" scenarios.
    • Reactivation Capability: As they become saturated, NEG pumps can be reactivated multiple times without venting to the atmosphere.
    • Compact and Efficient: Ideal for enhancing the performance of ion pumps or operating as standalone solutions, NEG pumps are the compact, efficient choice for UHV applications.



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    Pressed NEG Discs vs. Sintered NEG Discs

    Edwards offers two types of Gamma Vacuum NEG pumps, the NP series based on pressed discs and the NS series based on sintered discs. What's the difference between the two?

    Pressed NEG discs, created through cold-pressing getter alloy powder, differ from sintered discs in their manufacturing process and resulting structure; the latter involves mixing getter powder with evaporator granules, pressing into tablets, and then sintering to create a porous structure with enhanced gas molecule accessibility. This fundamental difference gives sintered discs a lower density and higher porosity compared to pressed discs, affecting their sorption capacity and pumping speed, while also reducing particle emission into the vacuum chamber.



    HyTan NEG-Ion Pumps: The Ultimate UHV Solution

    The HyTan NEG-Ion Pump combines the best of NEG and ion pump technologies, offering unmatched efficiency in gas removal across the UHV spectrum. This innovative blend ensures high pumping speeds for not only H2 but also for chemically active gases like N2, O2, and CO, while effectively handling all gas species, including noble gases and methane.

    Optimized for superior performance in an innovative compact design, all pump components are packaged into the user’s vacuum chamber. This space-saving design reduces the pumps external footprint, making it the pump of choice for systems and applications with limited available space. DOWNLOAD BROCHURE



    • Space-Saving Design: With all components integrated into the vacuum chamber, the pump minimizes external footprint, ideal for space-constrained systems.
    • Modular Construction: Adapt to changing system requirements by easily swapping pump modules, ensuring flexibility and longevity.
    • Optimized Performance: Achieve low, stable base pressures with reduced pump-down times, enhancing system efficiency and reliability.
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    DIGITEL SPC-NEG Controller: Precision at Your Fingertips

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    Achieving ultra-high vacuum across various applications, from analytical instruments to fundamental physics research, poses significant challenges, necessitating advanced preparation and consideration of numerous components. The DIGITEL SPC-NEG controller is designed to address these challenges by operating NEG pumps with high pumping speeds for hydrogen, the most relevant gas in ultra-high vacuum environments. The SPC-NEG stands out by not just supplying power but by utilizing pre-defined routines customizable for different experimental parameters, ensuring reliable operation with features like open-loop detection and overload protection.

     Its user-friendly interface, highlighted by a large touch screen and remote control capabilities via an ethernet interface, marks a significant advancement in our product line, offering a compact, cost-optimized NEG controller that simplifies achieving ultra-high vacuum conditions. DOWNLOAD BROCHURE



    • Ease of Use: The user friendly design and operation feature pre-defined routines, a bright colored touch panel, and intuitive operation
    • Communications: Ethernet is the standard interface for the SPCNEG. It is used for Software updates, Data logging and Remote control
    • Operation: the DIGITEL SPC-NEG activates, conditions or regenerates all of GAMMA’s NEG pumps as well as any NEG pump on the market with a pumping speed of up to 400 l/s

    Customized TIC Cart XL Pumping Stations for NEG Regeneration

    Designed for exceptional flexibility and efficiency, our TIC Cart XL Pumping Stations can be customized with an integrated DIGITEL SPC-NEG controller for quick and easy NEG regeneration in addition to pump-down of your vacuum chamber or beamline. Enhance your setup further when you add-on our Residual Gas Analyzer (RGA) for process & equipment diagnostics. Moreover, the mobile design of the TIC Cart XL Pumping Station facilitates sharing across multiple NEG installations in your lab or on beamlines, extending its utility to adjacent applications as well.

    Enhanced Monitoring: Add gauging to keep a vigilant eye on system pressure. With the TIC controller included with your cart, connecting up to three gauges is effortless and standard, ensuring total control of your system.

    User-Friendly Interface: the integrated DIGITEL SPC-NEG boasts a large touchscreen and remote control via an ethernet interface, representing a significant advancement in ease of use.

    Mobility: This is a highly mobile and user-friendly system that allows for sharing with multiple NEG installations within your lab or beamline, as well as with neighboring applications (other labs/beamlines).

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    For more information, please contact our local vacuum experts to assist with your custom systemization needs. Find out more about our TIC Cart XL Stations: TIC Cart XL Pumping Station.


    Recommended Primary Pumps and Accessories


    Get in touch with us for more information.