2017년 6월 29일 (목)
The June edition of Solid State Technology magazine is running a virtual round table highlighting the new SEMI E175 standard.
Mike Allison, President, Semiconductor Division, Vacuum Technique presents Atlas Copco Environmental Award 2016 to Mike Czerniak and team. (left to right, Pete Stammers, Mike Czerniak, Mike Allison and Gerald Shelley)
The June edition of SST magazine is running a virtual round table highlighting the new SEMI E175 Specification for Subsystem Energy Saving Mode Communication, energy saving and the unique collaboration success with EtherCAT Semiconductor Technical Working Group. Mike Czerniak, Environmental Solutions Business Development Manager at Edwards and Co-Chair of the new SEMI E175 standard, along with Gerald Shelley, Senior Product Manager Communication and Control at Edwards were two of the experts who answered some questions for SST.
This new standard defines energy saving modes, which combined with the EtherCAT signaling standard can help fabs save energy and other utility costs when the tool is not processing, with no impact on subsequent wafer processing.
For full details of the round table discussion, see here: http://electroiq.com/blog/2017/06/how-semi-standard-e175-is-saving-energy-and-cutting-costs/ Mike Czerniak and his team were recently recipients of the Atlas Copco Environmental Award 2016 for their work in this area.