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Search Edwards Vacuum

Includes support for nEXT85 and nXDS ranges of pumps, including nXRi, nRVi and nXLI enhanced.

The latest version of the nST2 PC program can be upgraded from this website, by following the procedure below:

  • To start the transfer press the 'download' button, the transfer of the latest nST2 PC program will start.
  • When prompted, select 'save' and choose an appropriate folder for the zip file..
  • When the transfer is complete, extract the nST2 installation file to your desktop
  • Run the installation file and follow the instructions on the screen.

A zip file is used for download as many firewalls block an .exe

PC Program - D39649660
PC Software: Description of Change
File Size 18.2MB

Includes support for nEXT85 and nXDS ranges of pumps, including nXRi, nRVi and nXLI

File Name
Version Number 1.5.2
Issue Date 05th February 2025


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