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維修工程師與愛德華泵浦和 GENIUS


這就是 GENIUS Instant InsightsTM 的功能所在。 

GENIUS instant insight™

已經有使用 GENIUS 的泵浦嗎?


GENIUS Instant Insightsᵀᴹ

<p>GENIUS Instant Insightsᵀᴹ</p>


Mechanical failure




Internal corrosion



GENIUS Instant Insights™ 協助您避免此類故障風險,讓您提早預防生產停機。


GENIUS Instant Insights™ 的效益

GENIUS 為您的泵浦、生產及環境提供許多優點。 

  • GENIUS 提前告知可能的泵浦故障,以最大化您的正常運行時間。
  • 利用 GENIUS 提供的資訊,您可以建立最適合生產作業的維護時間表。
  • 隨時隨地皆可存取 GENIUS 入口網站。
  • 有了 GENIUS,您就能完整瞭解您的真空泵浦技術效能。 
維修工程師在愛德華真空泵浦中安裝 GENIUS
  • 運作效率提升,就能降低 CO2 足跡,也比較容易遵守當地廢棄物減量法規。
  • 由於 GENIUS 會提供早期警示,因此您可以規劃備用零件交貨時間,並選擇環境友善的運輸方式。
  • GENIUS 會提供您建議,讓您瞭解如何減少製程中的能源支出。 
維修工程師拿著 GENIUS Box
  • GENIUS 提前通知您可能發生的故障,提高生產的可靠性與一致性,並避免代價高昂的停機時間。
  • GENIUS 會提供能源消耗資訊,協助您降低電力成本。
  • 有了 GENIUS,您永遠知道何時需要維護,讓您可以選擇符合成本效益的零件交貨計畫。 
在行動電話上的 GENIUS 儀表板取得警示

GENIUS 的諸多優點之一,就是能將泵浦效能相關資訊安全地儲存在雲端,供您隨時隨地存取。我們瞭解資料安全與網路安全的重要性,並已採取安全措施,確保您的資料安全無虞。 

我們使用最新技術,搭配經驗豐富的合作夥伴以及管理式資料存取來保護您的資料。我們的主要開發合作夥伴通過 ISO 27001 認證。另外,我們還運用其他措施,例如滲透測試,來保護您的資料安全。 


對您的內部網路無風險:使用專用閘道,經安全的行動數據技術進行資料傳輸。而且 GENIUS 完全獨立於您的內部網路 (如 WIFI 和 LAN) 之外。 


管理式資料存取:僅有您和特定的 ACG 員工可存取資料,這些人員負責提供優質服務並協助您更佳運用泵浦。 

由經驗豐富的合作夥伴所構成的價值鏈:例如 Sierra Wireless、Microsoft Azure、OrangeNEXt 與 Vodafone。 

360° 概覽

GENIUS Instant Insights™ 入口網站可提供您有關泵浦運作的重要深入解析,例如:















警示潛在故障和維護需求的通知。警示可經程式設定,以簡訊、WhatsApp 或電子郵件即時傳送至您組織中所有相關聯絡人。

如果想要進一步瞭解 GENIUS 入口網站,請觀看本教學影片,為您簡介註冊程序及如何瀏覽儀表板。

將泵浦連線至 GENIUS Instant Insights™

有三種不同方式可將泵浦連線至 GENIUS Instant InsightsTM

採購新泵浦時,請聯絡您的銷售代表詢問 GENIUS。 
如果您購買的真空泵浦型號配備了智慧型控制器,則可透過 LAN 或安裝 GENIUS Box 套件,於泵浦啟動時連線至 GENIUS 入口網站。

如果泵浦型號未附智慧型控制器,則可在訂購泵浦時指定出廠前預先安裝 GENIUS Box 套件。

如果您已經向我們購買泵浦,但想要在泵浦加上遠端連線能力,GENIUS 能讓您輕鬆完成安裝!

視泵浦型號而定,您可以自行安裝 GENIUS 套件,或由我們的維修工程師於定期維護訪視時安裝。將泵浦連線至 GENIUS 的平均需 30 分鐘。

如果由我們於定期維護訪視時安裝 GENIUS,無需額外的 GENIUS 安裝費用。 

如果您的泵浦已經預約至我們的維修廠進行維護,則亦可要求安裝 GENIUS,無需額外費用。這代表當您的真空泵浦送回時,將已完成設定並可以使用 GENIUS 功能。 

GENIUS Instant Insights™

透過 GENIUS Instant Insightsᵀᴹ 入口網站,您可以彈性決定要查看的泵浦資料詳細程度。


* 在「存取」等級隨時為連線的泵浦提供免費存取


關於 GENIUS Instant Insights™ 的常見問題


GENIUS Instant Insights™ 是什麼?

GENIUS Instant InsightsTM 是一套遠端連線解決方案,透過監控可能導致機器故障的重要事件,協助客戶讓真空產品達成更高運作時間、可靠性與效能。 

為什麼我應該把機器連線至 GENIUS Instant Insights™?


此外,GENIUS Instant InsightsTM 讓您能瞭解真空裝置的能源消耗及 CO2 排放狀態,支援貴公司的永續性目標。

How do I get my pumps enabled with GENIUS?

You can have your machines connected and remotely communicating to our cloud based platform GENIUS Instant InsightsTM in different ways.

When purchasing a new machine, you can ask your sales representative if connectivity can be enabled from factory. This is because not all technologies of vacuum pumps will have this possibility from the production line, in that case, request your sales representative information about GENIUS aftermarket kits, they can be installed during the start up of the pumps by one of our Field Service Engineers or authorized Distributors.

When performing service on site or at one of our authorized workshops, you will be offered the possibility having GENIUS Box kit.

Additionally, when you have an active service agreement with us, the GENIUS Box kit will be installed as default, but you can always de opt in case it does not suit to you.

How do I choose the right vacuum pump oil?

When selecting vacuum pump oil, consider factors such as viscosity, compatibility with the pump material, and the specific requirements of the application. Use the Edwards oil finder to find the right oil for your equipment or contact your service representative.

How often should I change my vacuum pump oil?

The frequency of oil changes depends on the specific pump and application. In general, vacuum pump oil should be changed every three to six months, or more frequently for high-use applications or when the oil appears dirty or contaminated. Always consult the service manual of your pump.

How do I change my vacuum pump oil?

To change vacuum pump oil, first drain the old oil and dispose of it properly. Every pump comes with a service manual that explains exactly how you can change and dispose of the oil.
Refill the pump with the recommended amount and type of oil, and run the pump for several minutes to distribute the oil throughout the system.

What are some common problems with vacuum pump oil?

A: Common problems with vacuum pump oil include contamination, oxidation, and thermal breakdown. These issues can cause decreased pump performance, increased maintenance requirements, and premature pump failure. You can avoid these issues by selecting the right type of oil for your pump and conducting regular maintenance.

How do I dispose of used vacuum pump oil?

A: Used vacuum pump oil must be disposed of properly, in accordance with local regulations. Contact a waste management company or environmental agency for guidance on proper disposal methods.

Can vacuum pump oil be recycled?

Yes, vacuum pump oil can be recycled, but it requires specialised equipment and processes to remove contaminants and restore the oil's performance properties.

Used vacuum pump oil can become contaminated with debris, moisture, and chemical impurities that can degrade its performance and increase the risk of equipment failure. Recycling vacuum pump oil involves removing these contaminants through a combination of filtration, distillation, and chemical treatment processes.

Vacuum pump oil recycling is typically done by specialised oil recycling companies, who use equipment and processes to separate the oil from contaminants and restore its properties. This process can help extend the life of the oil and reduce waste and environmental impact by reducing the need for disposal of used oil.

Not all vacuum pump oils can be recycled, and the suitability for recycling will depend on the specific formulation and condition of the used oil. Therefore, it is important to consult with a qualified oil recycling company to determine the best course of action for disposing of used vacuum pump oil.

What’s the difference between compressor oil, hydraulic oil and vacuum pump oil?

Compressor oil, hydraulic oil and vacuum pump oil are three different types of lubricants used in different types of machinery.

Compressor oil is designed to resist oxidation, maintain viscosity under high temperatures, and provide excellent lubrication under high pressure. It typically contains additives to prevent rust and corrosion in the compressor system.

Hydraulic oil is designed to provide lubrication, resist oxidation, and maintain stable viscosity across a range of temperatures. It also contains additives to prevent rust, corrosion, and foaming.

Vacuum pump oil, on the other hand is designed to withstand the harsh operating conditions of a vacuum pump, including high temperatures and pressures, and resist degradation from chemical exposure. It is typically formulated with low vapour pressure to minimise contamination of the vacuum system and maintain a high level of vacuum performance.

While compressor oil, hydraulic and vacuum pump oil are all designed to provide lubrication to machinery, they are formulated to meet different requirements and should not be used interchangeably. Using the wrong type of oil in your vacuum pump can lead to decreased performance, increased maintenance requirements, and premature equipment failure.

Can I use mineral oil in a vacuum pump?

This depends on the specific vacuum pump and its requirements. Mineral oil is a type of vacuum pump oil that is commonly used in many types of vacuum pumps, particularly those with lower performance requirements or for pumps that are operated intermittently.

However, some vacuum pumps require specialised oil formulations, such as synthetic or specialty blends, to meet specific operating conditions and performance requirements. Using the wrong type of oil in a vacuum pump can lead to decreased performance, increased maintenance requirements, and premature equipment failure. Always consult the instruction manual of your vacuum pump, or use our oil finder to find the right type of oil for your equipment.

Contact your service sales representative for more information and benefits.

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