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这便是 GENIUS Instant InsightsTM 的作用所在。 

GENIUS instant insight™

已经有一台配备 GENIUS 的泵?



Mechanical failure




Internal corrosion



GENIUS Instant Insights™ 可帮助您避免此类故障的风险,让您防止出现生产停机时间。


GENIUS Instant Insights™ 为您带来的益处

GENIUS 让您的泵、生产及环境受益匪浅。 

  • GENIUS 通过提前告知您潜在的泵故障, 充分延长您的正常运行时间。
  • 使用 GENIUS 提供的信息, 您可以创建适合您生产的维护计划。
  • 随时随地访问 GENIUS 门户。
  • 借助 GENIUS,您可以 全面了解您的真空泵技术性能。 
服务工程师将 GENIUS 安装在 Edwards 真空泵中
  • 更高效的运行还有助于降低二氧化碳排放量,并能更轻松地遵守当地的废物减排法规。
  • 根据 GENIUS 提供的早期预警,您可以安排备件的交付,并选择环保的运输方案。
  • GENIUS 将为您提供如何在流程中降低能源支出的建议。 
服务工程师拿着 GENIUS 连接盒
  • GENIUS 会提前告知您任何潜在的故障,从而提高生产的可靠性和一致性,并避免出现代价高昂的停机时间。
  • 通过给出有关能耗的信息,GENIUS 帮助您降低电力成本。
  • 有了 GENIUS,您总是能知道何时需要维护,进而选择经济实惠的零件交付计划。 
在移动电话上通过 GENIUS 仪表板获取警报

在 GENIUS 的众多优点中,有一项优点是将泵性能信息安全地存储在云端,便于您随时随地访问这些信息。我们深知数据安全和网络安全的重要性,已实施安全措施来保障您的数据安全。 

我们依托先进的技术、经验丰富的合作伙伴和托管式数据访问来保护您的数据。我们的主要开发合作伙伴通过了 ISO 27001 标准认证。我们还采用其他措施(如 PEN 测试)来确保您的数据安全。 


对内部网络没有风险:它使用专用网关通过安全的蜂窝移动技术进行数据传输。此外,GENIUS 完全独立于您的内部网络(如 WIFI 和 LAN)。 


托管式数据访问:数据仅限您和选定的 ACG 员工访问,这是为您提供出色的服务并帮您优化泵操作。 

价值链中包含经验丰富的合作伙伴,例如 Sierra Wireless、Microsoft Azure、OrangeNEXt 和 Vodafone。 


GENIUS Instant Insights™ 门户可为您提供泵运行情况的重要深层信息,例如















标记潜在故障和服务要求的通知。可对报警消息进行设定,以便通过 SMS、WhatsApp 或电子邮件实时发送给组织中的所有相关联系人。

如果您想了解有关 GENIUS 门户的更多信息,请观看此视频教程,了解注册流程以及如何浏览仪表板。

将您的泵连接到 GENIUS Instant Insights™

您可以通过三种不同的方式将您的泵连接到 GENIUS Instant InsightsTM

在购买新泵时,请联系您的销售代表并咨询 GENIUS 事宜。 
如果您购买的真空泵型号配有智能控制器,则可以通过 LAN 网络或在泵启用期间通过安装的 GENIUS 连接盒套件来访问 GENIUS 门户。

如果泵型号未装智能控制器,则可订购出厂时预装 GENIUS 连接盒套件的泵。

如果您已经从我们这里购买了一台泵,但有兴趣为您的泵添加远程连接,那么 GENIUS 的安装非常简单!

根据您的泵型号,您可以自行安装 GENIUS 套件,也可以让我们的一位服务工程师在定期维护上门期间进行安装。平均只需要 30 分钟就能将您的泵与 GENIUS 连接完毕。

如果让我们在维护上门期间安装 GENIUS,我们不会收取额外的 GENIUS 安装费。 

如果您的泵计划在我们车间进行维护,您也可以请求安装 GENIUS,我们不会收取额外费用。这意味着当您取回真空泵时,它已经配置好了 GENIUS 并且可以正常使用了。 

GENIUS Instant Insights™

借助 GENIUS Instant Insightsᵀᴹ 门户,您还可以灵活地查看不同程度的泵细节。




有关 GENIUS Instant Insights™ 的常见问题


什么是 GENIUS Instant Insights™?

GENIUS Instant Insights™ 是一款远程连接解决方案,通过监控可能导致机器故障的关键事件,支持客户的真空产品延长正常运行时间、提升可靠性和性能。 

为什么应该将我的机器与 GENIUS Instant Insights™ 连接?


此外,借助 GENIUS Instant Insights™,您可以了解真空装置的能耗和二氧化碳排放概况,为您的企业实现可持续发展目标提供支持。

How do I get my pumps enabled with GENIUS?

You can have your machines connected and remotely communicating to our cloud based platform GENIUS Instant InsightsTM in different ways.

When purchasing a new machine, you can ask your sales representative if connectivity can be enabled from factory. This is because not all technologies of vacuum pumps will have this possibility from the production line, in that case, request your sales representative information about GENIUS aftermarket kits, they can be installed during the start up of the pumps by one of our Field Service Engineers or authorized Distributors.

When performing service on site or at one of our authorized workshops, you will be offered the possibility having GENIUS Box kit.

Additionally, when you have an active service agreement with us, the GENIUS Box kit will be installed as default, but you can always de opt in case it does not suit to you.

How do I choose the right vacuum pump oil?

When selecting vacuum pump oil, consider factors such as viscosity, compatibility with the pump material, and the specific requirements of the application. Use the Edwards oil finder to find the right oil for your equipment or contact your service representative.

How often should I change my vacuum pump oil?

The frequency of oil changes depends on the specific pump and application. In general, vacuum pump oil should be changed every three to six months, or more frequently for high-use applications or when the oil appears dirty or contaminated. Always consult the service manual of your pump.

How do I change my vacuum pump oil?

To change vacuum pump oil, first drain the old oil and dispose of it properly. Every pump comes with a service manual that explains exactly how you can change and dispose of the oil.
Refill the pump with the recommended amount and type of oil, and run the pump for several minutes to distribute the oil throughout the system.

What are some common problems with vacuum pump oil?

A: Common problems with vacuum pump oil include contamination, oxidation, and thermal breakdown. These issues can cause decreased pump performance, increased maintenance requirements, and premature pump failure. You can avoid these issues by selecting the right type of oil for your pump and conducting regular maintenance.

How do I dispose of used vacuum pump oil?

A: Used vacuum pump oil must be disposed of properly, in accordance with local regulations. Contact a waste management company or environmental agency for guidance on proper disposal methods.

Can vacuum pump oil be recycled?

Yes, vacuum pump oil can be recycled, but it requires specialised equipment and processes to remove contaminants and restore the oil's performance properties.

Used vacuum pump oil can become contaminated with debris, moisture, and chemical impurities that can degrade its performance and increase the risk of equipment failure. Recycling vacuum pump oil involves removing these contaminants through a combination of filtration, distillation, and chemical treatment processes.

Vacuum pump oil recycling is typically done by specialised oil recycling companies, who use equipment and processes to separate the oil from contaminants and restore its properties. This process can help extend the life of the oil and reduce waste and environmental impact by reducing the need for disposal of used oil.

Not all vacuum pump oils can be recycled, and the suitability for recycling will depend on the specific formulation and condition of the used oil. Therefore, it is important to consult with a qualified oil recycling company to determine the best course of action for disposing of used vacuum pump oil.

What’s the difference between compressor oil, hydraulic oil and vacuum pump oil?

Compressor oil, hydraulic oil and vacuum pump oil are three different types of lubricants used in different types of machinery.

Compressor oil is designed to resist oxidation, maintain viscosity under high temperatures, and provide excellent lubrication under high pressure. It typically contains additives to prevent rust and corrosion in the compressor system.

Hydraulic oil is designed to provide lubrication, resist oxidation, and maintain stable viscosity across a range of temperatures. It also contains additives to prevent rust, corrosion, and foaming.

Vacuum pump oil, on the other hand is designed to withstand the harsh operating conditions of a vacuum pump, including high temperatures and pressures, and resist degradation from chemical exposure. It is typically formulated with low vapour pressure to minimise contamination of the vacuum system and maintain a high level of vacuum performance.

While compressor oil, hydraulic and vacuum pump oil are all designed to provide lubrication to machinery, they are formulated to meet different requirements and should not be used interchangeably. Using the wrong type of oil in your vacuum pump can lead to decreased performance, increased maintenance requirements, and premature equipment failure.

Can I use mineral oil in a vacuum pump?

This depends on the specific vacuum pump and its requirements. Mineral oil is a type of vacuum pump oil that is commonly used in many types of vacuum pumps, particularly those with lower performance requirements or for pumps that are operated intermittently.

However, some vacuum pumps require specialised oil formulations, such as synthetic or specialty blends, to meet specific operating conditions and performance requirements. Using the wrong type of oil in a vacuum pump can lead to decreased performance, increased maintenance requirements, and premature equipment failure. Always consult the instruction manual of your vacuum pump, or use our oil finder to find the right type of oil for your equipment.

Contact your service sales representative for more information and benefits.

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